Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Knock knock....

Who's there?
Ima who?
Ima bout to smack some bitches up.

I don't actually work in the Chemistry building here at the U of T - I get to work in a much nicer, newer, shinier building a short walk away. Once or twice a week I walk over to Chemistry for one reason or another, but for all intents and purposes, I am not known in the department outside of my own group. So today, after group meeting, my labmate and I are leaving the building to come back over to our lab, and as we walk down the hall in which the first-year chemistry labs are taught, an old man in a lab coat asks us, "are you CHM 139 students?" To which we laugh and say no, in fact, we are not. Old Man's response is, "well, you look like it." He was all set to lecture us on being late to lab when he saw us coming toward him down the hall. Now, I am old enough that I am starting to appreciate that looking younger is a good thing, but young enough that someone assuming I'm A DECADE YOUNGER than I actually am feels more like insult than flattery. At least Labmate is a good 5 years younger than me and Chinese, so it's an easier mistake to make (no matter how long I live, there are two things I doubt I'll ever be able to do on the first try: understand an Indian accent or guess an Asian's age). And I don't care if I DID have my hair up and no makeup on (Looking Pretty is expressly forbidden while working in the cleanroom - nothing says SMOKIN' quite like booties and a hairnet...), I don't look 18. At least, not with my glasses on. Seriously, ever since I got them people tend to guess that I'm around 25 instead of 20, which is about how it should be, in my opinion. So I'm mildly torked off. Bring it on, Old Man, you're goin' DOWN - I may look young, but I can take you.

Oh, and did I mention that CHM 139 is the course I will be TEACHING next semester? Not TAing, LECTURING. Yeah. Good times.

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