Friday, May 16, 2008

What about your friends? (Continued)

Facebook update:


Only Em, Dave, and Will will possibly get how exciting that last item is, but I had to brag anyway.  For the rest of you, Mike was a Very Cute Singing Boy in my favorite a cappella group when I was in college.  And, unlike most of the Very Cute Singing Boys, he was actually a Very Nice, Very Cute Singing Boy who would not only remember having met you at a crowded party, but remember what you talked about when he saw you again months later.  Sure, my ex-boyfriend/first love from first year who introduced me to him won't accept my friend request, but the Very Nice, Very Cute Singing Boy I barely knew will.  The little 19-year-old A Cappella Groupie Nerd-Girl inside me is squealing with glee.  Yes...the Penis Chick is most pleased.


Oh, and in case you're wondering, I smell like arthritis because I threw my neck out last night and have been wearing a Ben Gay patch in an effort to make it through the day.  It's amazing how little appetite you have when everything smells like wintergreen. 


Not everyone can be this glamorous, kids.  My life just gets more like an episode of Sex and the City every day, don't it?


emily said...

OMG! Um, I think that actually garnered a bigger gut response from me than Jay McCarroll. Mike Ludwick!!! And not just because I was being all reminiscent about things tonight. But Mike Ludwick!! Aww...

Also, they make "scentless" Ben Gay these days. It's not totally scentless, but it's not bad. And how does the Facebook know you smell like arthritis? Either you told it, or it JUST KNOWS. Which frightens me.

Mike Ludwick. You almost make me want to Facebook...

Anonymous said...

Um, dare I ask... 'Penis Chick'?
/backs away nervously/


PS. Sorry about your neck :(

Wahooty said...

See: Bananahammocks. It's in there. Man, professors sure are smart, but their reading comprehension sucks. ;)