Sunday, January 18, 2009

Can I have a word?

Sometimes, I wonder what people are thinking.  Case in point, the following excerpt from an IM conversation I had with a (Canadian) friend who is turning the Big Girl age of 23 on Tuesday, the same day that Barack Obama is being inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States:


<Innocent Canadian whose name is witheld> says:
gawd I'm sad I am not going to be there
<Innocent Canadian whose name is witheld> says:
/ not even going to be able to see it


Um, I'm sorry.  Why, exactly, SHOULD you be there to see it?  You're FREAKING CANADIAN.  I, on the other hand, am an Actual American.  Who grew up near DC.  Who has been seeing all of her friends back home post Facebook messages about the festivities, and pictures of the concert on the Mall, and is feeling deathly homesick because her parents no longer live near DC so she honestly can't remember the last time she got to play in DC.


And who, you know, actually VOTED for the dude.


And who can only think of one thing to say to keep the conversation going/give the girl a wee bit of perspective:

Beth says:
DC is my hometown.
<Innocent Canadian whose name is witheld> says:
I'm so sad


<Amy Poehler/Seth Myers voice>


<Innocent Canadian whose name is witheld> says:
it's such a big deal for me


REALLY?!?  It's such a big deal...for YOU.  A Canadian.  REALLY.

<Innocent Canadian whose name is witheld> says:
I was like, if John McCain wins, I'm moving to Australia.
<Innocent Canadian whose name is witheld> says:
I started thinking about what would happen if he wins, and I like, started crying


There are no words.


On second thought, there are.

Just stop for one second, and remember who you're talking to.  You know, that AMERICAN.  That MOVED TO CANADA. 


Did I do it because Bush won?  No.  NOBODY DOES THAT.  If you say you are going to, you are LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH.  Moving to a different country, even Canada, is not trivial - it requires immigration papers, and having no credit rating even though you're 30 years old, and filing two tax returns, and going through customs EVERY TIME YOU GO OUT OF TOWN.  Things that you will do for a great job, or someone who's really, REALLY hot.  NOT because you're a whiny pussy who didn't get their way. 

But, having said that, if anyone is entitled to move because of who is President of the United States, it would be UNITED STATES CITIZENS.


Yeah, I get it - our government's choices affect you.  But get a little perspective.  Are your children going to be attending the schools funded by this man's decisions?  Are your friends fighting the war in Iraq that he has the authority to continue or end?  Are your parents going to be affected by his health care policies?  Are your family members having their retirement income decimated by the failing stock market? 


Not half as much as mine are. 


I have spent more than two years listening to oh-so-polite-Canadians-who-don't-like-to-impose-their-political-views-on-others tell me who they think my President should be.




Check yourselves.  Be happy for us, but let us have our party. 


It's not our fault you're stuck with Stephen Harper.


Anonymous said...


Is this more along the lines of what you want from Canadians?

Mmmmmmwah! And that's a big kiss for you. :D

Maja said...
