Saturday, November 20, 2010

Request Week: Stop trying to make “fetch” happen.

Courtesy of Melissa Davey:

“Lindsay Lohan.”

To be honest, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about Lindsay Lohan at this point.  Sure, I think she actually has a great talent somewhere under all of the booze and blow, and it’s sad to see all of that go to waste.  And Mean Girls is still a movie I will watch any time it’s on TV (although, to be fair, that probably has more to do with my devotion to Tina Fey than anything else…I will also probably end up watching Baby Mama every time it’s on TV as well, even though it was fairly awful).  But who knows, maybe someday she’ll go the way of Robert Downey, Jr., and I LURVE him.

In the meantime, I can’t say I’m capable of working up a whole lot to say about her, aside from my fervent wish that she would just go away, get help, and make another movie with Tina Fey.  I anxiously await my invite to the premiere of Mean Baby Mama Girl.

But, while I’ve been putting off this particular request until I could think of something appropriately clever and insightful to say (because I happen to dig Melissa D’s blog, she’s brave enough to use her full name on the internets, and she’s one of only two people to make any requests for RW), I’ve been occasionally checking in on my webcounter to see how many hits I’m getting (answer: not many, but far more than I should given that I never post), and what keywords people are Googling to get here.

In my keyword analysis, buried amongst all of the variations on “agnes, agatha, jermaine, and jack” and “wahooty blog,” etc….one entry that read:

“orange granny panties”

You know what the first hit is when you Google “orange granny panties”?

A story about Lindsay Lohan.


emily said..., never mind, I don't want to know what LiLo has to do with orange granny panties.

Wahooty said...

All of the top hits are stories about her jail ensemble - orange jumpsuit, and apparently white granny panties. My post doesn't appear until something like page 5 of hits.