Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gettin’ Medieval

Three years ago, I attempted to write about how Pennsic changed me.  It did not go unnoticed that I only got two entries written out of a planned series of 8. 


Sorry about that.


But I have just returned from my third Pennsic, and am once again struggling to readjust to the Mundane world.  My Pennsic experience is much different now, but no less affecting.  I feel the need to write…to make some lame attempt at explaining the inexplicable.


Also, my blogging has dropped off to absolute radio silence over the last couple of years, and the number of started (but never completed) blog posts stored on my computer makes me sad.


So I decided that I would attempt to continue the series, in a slightly different format.  I still have my notes from that first Pennsic, but they are vague and the experiences that were so new are old hat now.  I really SHOULD have made myself finish the series when the memories were fresh.  Sadly, the first-time wonder has been lost, but the experiences remain magical.  Some of the things that happened at that first Pennsic are still talked about vividly in camp.  Some happen every year.  So I will attempt to finish the series by writing, not about specific days at War, but about individual experiences.   Hopefully, this will help some of you understand why I keep going back.


So, in that spirit, I present Pennsic Week.  As per MadMup’s rules, that doesn’t necessarily mean a post every day (although I will try, since classes will be starting soon and these are my last days of freedom), but it does mean a week’s worth of posts about various Medieval topics.  If there’s anyone still out there reading, I hope you will come along with me.

1 comment:

MadMup said...

It would be in your best interests to follow my rules, as it (apparently) allows you to stretch a week of blogging into 8+ months.

I like forward to the coming entries :)