Saturday, August 17, 2013

Heart of Steel.

One of the things that makes my heart soar is finding a band that just…rocks me to my core.  I’ve found a couple this summer, albeit in unexpected places.   I first heard this song underscoring a segue in Buckwild (don’t judge me!) but promptly forgot about it until a trip to Lexington earlier this summer.  In one of those fortuitous turns of events that only seem to happen when traveling alone, I was there for the start of a bluegrass festival, and Gangstagrass was headlining the first free show of said fest.  The bar was full and the show underway by the time I found it, but the street was closed off, the sound pumped out on speakers, and there was a taco truck.

In other words, I was home.

If you know me even a little bit, you surely understand how very…ME…this is, like it or not. I proceeded to go back to my rented airbnb room, download two albums, and listen to them on repeat as I drove around Kentucky bourbon country and across West Virginia and Virginia for the next several days.


I’ve been home for a few days now from my last big trip of the summer, and I tend to get a bit conflicted and melancholy this time of year.  There always seems to be something gnawing at me.  But then a promo for Top Chef: New Orleans makes me investigate the band singing the song sampled, and I find songs like this that make everything feel grounded, and remind me who I really am, in all of my blessedly imperfect, cynical glory.  With the added benefit of a drumbeat I can bellydance to.

Thanks, Galactic.  You shall soon be in heavy rotation, as soon as I can decide which albums to buy.

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