Sunday, January 13, 2008

Google Update

Okay, so apparently, if you mention Google a few dozen times in a single post, you suddenly get a lot more click-throughs from Google hits. Apparently. Since I put up my post on the topic less than 72 hours ago, I have had people visit my site after Googling:

elvis cake pan (TWO MORE TIMES. Am starting to consider leaving chemistry to enter celebrity-shaped confectionery business - clearly there is a demand going unfulfilled here.)
Martha Stewart comeback (the kids love the Martha)
martha stewarts beaver (whoa...maybe just a little too much)

And then a couple of hits each for my last two titles. The Dylan Thomas quote makes sense - it's one of the quotes of the day on my Google homepage. But I'm not entirely sure why someone decided to Google "Watch you weave then breathe your story lines." These ones were neat, though, because they seem to have come from all over the world. I like to see more than two flags in my log.

And because people keep asking, the commenter formerly known as "Professor Howdy" is NOT, in fact, Fearless Leader. FL is, in fact, the last person on this Earth who would EVER send me a link to a video that makes a "convincing argument" against evolution. I have no idea who or what Professor Howdy is, but I guarantee he does NOT want to hear what I think about his comments. Or his blog, for that matter.

Oh, great Oracle of Google, will I ever understand your mysterious ways? Probably not. But at least I know that if you Google "chicken porn," this page now comes up as hit #84 out of more than 2 million.

Not bad.


Anonymous said...

Isn't 'watch you weave and breathe your story lines' a song quote? Maybe a little 80's, possibly while wearing sunglasses?

Wahooty said...

dingdingding! Ian wins this round of "guess the obscure pop culture reference!" I just think that's a pretty random line to Google. But then again, those who Google "chicken porn" shouldn't throw stones, eh?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can only *wish* my true identity was professor howdy.

Anyway, I have been outed on the Alchemist. Any blog that can seamlessly integrate digital microfluidics and elvis cake pans is worth reading, in my book.

So, wahooty, when I drop by, I promise to do the visual equivalent* of putting my fingers in my ears and singing "la la la I can't hear you" whenever you write about juicy and/or personal things.


* I will also do this** if you ever post martha stewart chicken porn.

** I lied. I will read any posts on martha stewart chicken porn.