Thursday, April 17, 2008

Working Like a Dog.

We interrupt All-Request Week to bring you this brief message:


There's an old Far Side cartoon that I always think of on days like today.  I wasn't able to find the cartoon I had in mind, and Gary Larson is known for actually, you know, trying to protect his intellectual property (crazy bastard), so rather than risk a cease-and-desist order (I do reach TENS of readers, after all), I will try my best to describe it.


A puppy stands in a window, looking forlorn.  While his neighborhood friends attack the mailman, he's holding a violin. 


Spring has FINALLY come to Toronto, and I'm stuck inside, trying to focus on work.  Ain't being gainfully employed a bitch?  (Heh heh...see what I did there?  Bitch?  Dog?  Ah, to heck with ya.)


I hope the rest of you are getting some of this lovely weather, wherever you may be.  And if you are, I sure as hell hope you get the chance to go out and play in it while I'm playing etudes. 

Save a tasty bit of ankle for me.


emily said...

meh, appurently it doesn't do anything except rain in iowa. lots and lots o' rain.

MadMup said...

It's Spring-like here in Indiana, not that that means I'm going to go outside any more frequently :)