Sunday, October 08, 2006

My bed is a fortress....

A fortress of SEXY, that is.

Okay, so I'm new to the blogging game, but frankly, typing is a heckuva lot faster than writing longhand, and sometimes I think faster than I can write, so here I am, writing the newer, sleeker, more modern equivalent of the lame-ass website I had in college. I just moved to Toronto from the States, so I will be taking many cheap shots at Canadians, Americans, and, well, anyone that should happen to piss me off. There will be smartass comments of the sort that can only be crafted by those who have spent WAY too long in grad school, yet finally, somehow, broken free. There will be poorly-veiled attempts to discuss my failed relationships, and even more poorly-veiled attempts at discussing my future ones. But most of all, there will be the Sexy. Okay, who am I kidding... there will be the Cute. It's the best that I can do, but should I ever fail, feel free to call me Sexy...

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