Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm too old for this shit.

How old do I have to get before I no longer have to deal with people who can't hold their liquor?

I got roped into going to a pub night tonight. Last year, I went to this event, and at some point, Labmate disappeared into the bathroom for an extended period of time. Guess who was sent to check on her? Repeatedly?

I believe the people who make good drunk-sitters are those who have needed a drunk-sitter of their own. Those of us who know how to drink have a very low tolerance for such things. For the record, I have drunk to the point of hurling exactly once in my life. I was seventeen. That SO doesn't count. And I didn't need anyone to take care of me. It has never happened since because a) I have a strong stomach and b) I have the good sense to listen to my body when it tells me it's time to slow down.

Those that know me know that I don't deal with vomit well, but, I am not a she-beast, so when someone needs a friend to knock on the door of the stall and make sure they're still conscious...and to walk them home to make sure they don't pass out in the gutter...I will step up. And last year, Labmate only had to stop twice to upchuck en route from McCaul to Yonge.

This year, Labmate's boyfriend was there. He took her home before the chucking of up began, but I have a hunch that it did, in fact, commence at some point. But, not my problem this year. Thank God for boyfriends.

However, there was another labmate present who turned out to be. She had been weirdly all over me all night (but hey, she's a weird girl) and actually announced that she was going to the bathroom to "puke and poop." We caught a glimpse of her washing her hands at the sink when someone else left the bathroom, but she didn't come out. So guess who was sent to check on her?

She was responsive, and she eventually emerged without assistance. But she had to go back in one more time before we left. They almost tried to make me check on her again. She came out, and claimed she was okay.

When I left her, she was puking on the platform in the subway station.

Oh, don't look at me like that - her boyfriend was there to make sure she got home okay.

And while I feel like a bit of a shit for hopping on the train, I keep reminding myself that I was actually getting dangerously close to missing the last bus home. Oh, and I have to give a talk to my entire building in 12 hours.

And did I mention that I'm almost FUCKING THIRTY???

Seriously, just how old do I have to be before I can retire from the drunk-sitting business???

And this is the last time BNL EVER talks me into going to anything. Even if I did get to see the Boss drunk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How old?
Is this a trick question?
I believe that it is somewhere between where I am now and 100 yrs. I'm still doing the check and make sure, and I don't even partake in the consumption of the alcohol anymore.
Sorry, but it never ends, just slows down.