Friday, March 14, 2008

Horoscopes are such crap.

This was my horoscope today:

You are more hopeful today that you can be happy without turning your life upside down. The bad news is that you are being led by your fantasies. The good news is that you are fully capable of making your dreams, however unrealistic, come true. Planning can make the difference between failure and success.

That's not all.  This was yesterday's:


You may feel something that has returned from the past, but your undeniable desires can also spark the emotional renewal you have been seeking. Your imagination may drift, but you are certain about what feels good. This is a time of heightened intensity; concentrate on your heart's desire and make your dreams come true.

So it seems that, according to the Cosmos, all of my dreams should be coming true this week - all this great, renewing change is supposed to be happening as I find my heart's desire, no matter how unrealistic it may be.


Maybe I have, if my heart's desire is Valentine's chocolate still on clearance in mid-March (which, to be fair, IS pretty unrealistic, yet it DID come true).  Or teaching my labmate how to use the plate reader.  Or having a passive-aggressive argument with my landlady via letters left on my door.  But I'm pretty sure it's none of the above.  I did find out this week that the money for my raise has come through (YAY, grants that were scored before the NIH got its budget cut), but that's more a sigh of relief than "emotional renewal."  In fact, I'm not sure I know what my heart's desire really is right now, but I have a sneaking suspicion it involves snuggling something.  And my fantasies of grabbing certain crushes and making out with them furiously certainly aren't leading me anywhere hopeful or imaginative.

But I'm headed to Ann Arbor tonight to see Matt and #1 (YAY, Alamo Rent A Car).  Maybe that's where my hope is.


But I'm thinking it's back to the drawing board, Cosmos.


Maja said...

Those horoscopes could apply to ANYONE at ANY TIME, don't you think? I've come to the conclusion that astrologers are just people who like giving out advice to people. So many people must read their horoscopes and actually listen to them that it would be an awesome way to reach out to the world and make a difference.

pauly said...

Horoscope aren't for thinking about. You take the good one's and let the bad one's slide. If you get a horoscope about snuggling and chocolate it is obviously a true message from the stars and must be followed.
PS G'day I'm one of those Australian's introduced to your fine Blog by that rabble rouser Crikey.

Wahooty said...

But come on, people (myself included) only follow a horoscope that tells them to do what they want to anyway. So as much as I would like to believe that people would pay attention if they said, "today is a great day to spend a few hours at a homeless shelter," we're probably only likely to listen when they say, "today is a great day to consume copious amounts of alcohol and salty snack foods."

And YAY, Australians! I've long thought that I love Aussies, even though I don't think I've ever met one in real life. But for some reason, I've always thought we would get along. Apparently, I was right. Apparently.
Although, for the record, I choose to believe that you are, in fact, NOT Australian, but rather Pauly Shore incognito. Because frankly, that would rule.