Monday, March 24, 2008

Meh, whatever.

A conversation with a friend tonight reminded me of a favorite movie quote, "You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life.  Only if you find peace within yourself will you find true connection with others."


I meant to write a long post this weekend.  I mentally composed paragraphs on several topics.  However, thinking takes very little effort...writing, marginally more so.  I found myself more drawn to watching old episodes of Veronica Mars online than to typing out my deepest, darkest thoughts on said topics.


Plus, most of the topics I've been thinking about will involve disguising the identities of the parties involved, and I'm not feeling very inspired with the clever nicknames.  The others involve things that I'm not sure I'm ready to share yet.  Some involve both, believe it or not.


I know, I know.  I promised to write about New Orleans.  I will.  Trust me.  I'm tempted to wait until I've gotten my 2 1/2 rolls of film developed to add to the experience, because I've decided illustrated posts are fun.  But mostly, I just haven't had time to sit down and compose that post yet.  On the bright side, there's one post that's been written for months, just waiting for the other 1/2 roll that was trapped in my camera until pictures of the French Quarter liberated it, so you'll get two posts in one at that point.


Yeah, so, I'm stalling.  Can't help it - my belly is full of my own cooking, wine, and pie.  Not necessarily in that order.  Just wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking of you, and I know that some of you <coughcoughDAVEcough> are anxiously awaiting yet another window on my world.


And to those of you, I say, ahem:




You'll get it when I'm good and ready, bitches.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your back and I'm looking forward to seeing the photos. I can wait for as long as it takes for the uber post.
I think you are the first person to call me a 'bitch'. That in itself is pretty funny.

Dave said...

{points two fingers at his eyes, points them back at the Beth}

Anonymous said...

That's just mean...

Maja said...

I'm sure it'll be worth the wait..