Wednesday, September 03, 2008

This is so cool.

Okay, only readers from my college years such as Em, Will, and Dave can possibly understand why.

This showed up on Entertainment Weekly's main page Wednesday:


Yeah, that's Sarah Drew.  And while I never watched Everwood (although I've been meaning to on DVD - I always heard it was v. good, Sarah's performance in particular), and I DEFINITELY haven't watched Private Practice (I watched Grey's Anatomy for all of about 3/4 of a season before I decided that even I don't have enough self-loathing to sustain that habit), I actually RENTED the movie Radio because I KINDA SORTA USED TO KNOW SARAH DREW.  You know, not in a Facebook-friend kind of way, but in that I-was-on-staff-you-were-in-the-cast-so-we-didn't-really-talk-much-but-were-always-friendly-and-I've-actually-had-dinner-with-you kind of way.  She is ludicrously talented, and an incredibly sweet person, so I'm so glad to see that there are entertainment media types getting as giddy about her getting work as I am.


With as many theater folk as I've goofed around with over the years, I actually know more than my share of people who have managed to find gainful employment in the entertainment industry.  But it never fails to blow my mind that they were able to do it.  I recently got the urge to Google one of my old, old friends (I'm not sure what grade we go back to, but I think it was 2nd or 3rd or so when I used to run away from him on the playground because he was Gross) and found out that the guy I was voted Most Likely to be Rich and Famous with...okay, may not be Rich and Famous exactly, but is a Working Actor/Singer with North American tours and reviews and shit on his resume.  He's certainly a hell of a lot closer to Rich and Famous than I'll ever be (I've always been mystified as to how I got that superlative...what did people think I would do, win the Nobel Prize or something?  That's the best shot an uber-nerd like myself has at being Rich AND Famous, and it's a long shot at that.  Rich?  Sure - start a biotech company, sell it right before it goes belly-up, there ya go.  Famous?  I think the only way I could become famous among the general public would be to do something horribly scandalous, like selling my students' kidneys to pay the overhead on my methamphetamine production facility powered entirely by un-neutered kittens.  Even if I DID win a Nobel Prize, the cash prize is only about 1.5 million dollars - which hardly qualifies one as terribly rich in this day and age - and the fame is...well, how many of you have actually heard of Kary Mullis or Herbert C. Brown?).


So pardon me if this makes me a wee bit giddy.  Because, while Fearless Leader just told me I'm getting a raise (YAY!), this is probably about as close as I will realistically ever come to being Rich and Famous myself.  And I am thrilled.

1 comment:

emily said...

shame on you, beth! you should really neuter those kittens! and before you say you need them to reproduce to keep your meth lab running, there are plenty of kitties in the shelter who are looking for a nice meth lab to power.

but yay, i'm very happy for her, too! sarah was always so incredibly sweet. i only did one show with her, but when i came back to visit the year after i graduated, she hugged me and said she missed me. she definitely deserves good things. did you remember that before she started UVA, she was doing voice-overs on Daria?