Monday, August 20, 2007

Gotta Get Up From Here

Hey kids.

You may have noticed that I'm not posting a lot. It's been a busy month - one vacation down, one starting tomorrow, guests coming in as soon as I get back, trying to actually accomplish something at work in between. So that leaves precious little time for blogging, I'm afraid. But I haven't forgotten about you, my beloved handful of faithful readers. I actually took notes during my first trip a couple of weeks ago for an entry that is yet to be written, and I'm sure my upcoming camping trip (if you can call a week in an RV "camping," which, of course, I do NOT) will provide plenty more material. And if that doesn't do it, Em and her boy will provide lots of blog fodder, between the singing zombies and the Pirate Festival. Fear not, devoted reader, for your patience will be rewarded.

That being said, you'll have to be patient for at least another week, because I will have no internet access and the squirrels are unreliable messengers.



Anonymous said...

I miss you :(

emily said...

Squirrels are also notorious cannibals.