Friday, August 10, 2007

Mr. Magee, make me angry. You would like me when I'm angry.

Okay, so it's time for today's Official Reason Toronto Kicks Ass (tm).

(For those of you still bitter about yesterday's ORTKA(tm), I am thrilled to tell you that today, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, the breeze is lovely, and the high today was approximately 83. SO sucks to be you.)

Anyway, here goes:

Right now, Edward Norton (and Liv Tyler, but who really gives a shit about Liv Tyler?) are outside my building filming...

The Incredible Hulk.


Labmate tried to sneak some pictures, and someone actually came up to her and made her delete them from her camera. That rules. Oh, and according to IMDb, Tim Roth, William Hurt, and Tim Blake Nelson are also probably around somewhere.

My thoughts:

1) oh HELLZ yeah

2) Man, extras are hot. I mean, let's face it, you don't have to be Olivier to run around in army gear and pretend to shoot shit. I like to think that that casting process involved a stack of headshots, a bottle of wine, and one long game of "Marry, Boff, or Kill?"

3) Yeah, men in army gear still make me hot. But only American army gear - sorry, Canada, but something about having a maple leaf on your cammies makes you seem a little less ferocious.

3b) There's something quite surreal about seeing a bunch of guys in American uniform running around Canada. Makes me feel like I'm walking through a scene from Canadian Bacon. Especially when a guy runs out of the U of T Visitor's Center with a gun as you're walking by and hides behind a tree. I know what it means when a black cat crosses your path, but what does it mean when it's a member of the Omega Force?
(Also amusing: a soldier...sitting in a camouflaged Hummer...on a cell phone. One can only assume he was on the phone with his agent asking, "How the hell did I wind up in the 'Boff' pile? It's the 'Marry' guys who get the actual lines!")

5) Edward Norton has long been one of my celebrity crushes. Not one of my Five, but a crush nonetheless. Am now seriously trying to think of ways to accidentally bump into him while he's in town so I can say, "Seriously...LOVED Keeping the Faith." What? Shut up, it was adorable. And anyone who can pull off both adorable AND American History X is pretty badass.


So there ya have it - the first time yours truly has knowingly walked through an actual movie set. SO fun...everyone should do it. Definitely an entertaining note on which to end a generally cranky week. Now, if I could only figure out where the extras are hanging out tonight...


Anonymous said...

DUDE... Edward Norton is so hot (and extremely talented which makes him even hotter). I also loved Keeping the Faith AND Death to Smoochy, dammit! I am so jealous of you right now, you have no idea. Seriously considering just jumping in my car and moving to Toronto... In other news, I spent the evening watching Labyrinth on the big screen. YES, they are playing it at the Landmark Theatre at Keystone right now. Nothing is more entertaining than David Bowie singing with puppets in a giant codpiece...

MadMup said...


Anonymous said...

Remy's and Hemingway's. They were all there last night, they will probably go back tonight.

Wahooty said...

Damn. If only I'd known before I went downtown today, I would've gotten all hoochied up and stayed for dinner in Yorkville. ;)

Anonymous said...

I also thought Edward Norton was really good in Primal Fear. Maybe not hot, unless creepy hot counts. Oh, this is Jamie (Beth's friend) in Indy. Your blog rules! :)

emily said...

Ooo, Tim Roth Tim Roth Tim Roth!! Will you stalk him for me?

Wahooty said...

#1 - Sorry, but even I draw the line at Death to Smoochy. But I am jealous about the puppets and codpieces.

Mup - if it makes you feel any better, I didn't actually see the Hulk. I believe he's still going to be entirely CG in this one. Of course, I didn't even get to see Bruce Banner, but Labmate assures me she got pictures of him before she was forced to delete. From this, I am forced to conclude that Edward Norton is, in fact, Sasquatch.

Jamie - creepy hot TOTALLY counts. And thanks, btw. :) Welcome to my little world. Please leave lots of comments...I love comments.

Em - I'll do the best I can, but I'm not sure if they're still in the area. Perhaps Ian knows. Ian seems to know everything that happens in this town. :)

Anonymous said...

Just saw the question now, sorry. They are in town until this Friday. They are shooting on the other side of University Ave. today and tommorow. Thursday they are at the waterfront, west end.
I'll try and find Tim Roth for you Emily, first I have to Google him and see what he looks like.

emily said...

blast! i was unrealistically hoping they'd be there for a few weeks. if you find tim roth, could you keep him occupied until august 30th?