Friday, September 07, 2007

Martha Stewart is my hero.

Okay, the many joys of working at home are as follows:

1) A bottomless cup of coffee, made exactly the way you like it and very reasonably priced. Served in a handmade ceramic mug, no less (or maybe just if you're working in MY home).

2) Being able to run your Saturday errands on Friday, saving much line-waiting, crowd-navigating time.

3) Working in your PJ's.

3.2) Not having to put on makeup or do your hair, thus ensuring you can give Matt Lauer your full attention while he is interviewing (EXCLUSIVEly!) the girl who was kicked off of her flight for wearing a slutty skirt. (FYI, the skirt was quite slutty, but she had the legs to pull it off and I don't think it quite warranted being ejected from a plane.)

5) Getting to watch Martha Stewart. Now, I have always been a Martha fan. I'm sure that all of the stories about her being a raging beotch in real life are absolutely true. But I was raised by a mother who sewed, crafted, installed appliances, built decks, and put a home-cooked dinner on the table every night, and I happen to think that these are becoming lost skills. I am a big fan of anyone who encourages the homemade and teaches people how to do the things that their mothers might not have been able to teach them. When Martha went to jail, I wished I had money to invest in some of her stock while it was cheap, because I KNEW she would come back strong. And her current show is awesome - you gotta love that they gave a live talk show to someone who is a truly awful extemporaneous speaker. She is a LOUSY interviewer, and watching her cook or craft with whatever random celebrity guest she has on a given day always has a hilarious and surreal train-wreck quality that is deliciously awkward. Where else do you get to hear Martha Stewart talk about "absolutely beautiful North American beaver"? Genius, I tell you. And today, just when I thought I couldn't love her any more, they ran a promo for the new season scored to...

{drum roll}

Pour Some Sugar On Me.

Fuckin' Def Leppard, man.
Def Leppard + The Martha = mind-blowing TVgasm for the Wahooty.

Okay, back to work. Right after I run to Old Navy.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I also enjoy Martha's show. I once saw Jennifer Garner on there -- you do know she named her dog Martha Stewart, correct? It was really funny...

And ooh! What did you get at Old Navy??

Wahooty said...

Actually, the one I was watching was, I believe, Jennifer Garner's SECOND appearance on the show. Apparently, they now have a second dog, and though they are both fixed, there is a great deal of humping taking place. So Jennifer Garner got to say, "Martha Stewart ALWAYS wants to get it on."

A pair of jeans, a pair of athletic shorts, and three V-neck t-shirts. Clearance RULES.