Monday, July 09, 2007


Remember that fellowship I applied for? Yeah, well, found out today that I didn't get it. Gotta love getting an electronic ding letter - they sent me an e-mail and made me open a fucking attachment to be rejected. There's probably a hard copy headed my way to double the pleasure, I'm sure. But immediately after I got the rejection e-mail, I got an e-mail from Boss saying only, "I am sorry about this, but have some good news for you, that may make up for it, a little. I look forward to talking with you tomorrow." So naturally, instead of actually getting any work done for the rest of the day, I was brainstorming and trying to figure out what this news could be. I've come up with the following options:

Option #1: He finally got a grant and will be able to use it to increase my salary. Until my ride home, this was the only kind of "good news" I could think of that he could have for me. The only thing is, I don't think any of the grants he applied for recently were due to be scored around now, with the possible exception of the one I helped him with back in March. I seriously doubt we got that one because a) I helped him write it, b) it was for the NIH and they don't seem to like giving money to foreign institutions, regardless of how much they say otherwise, and c) it was a re-vamped grant that had already been rejected once. Plus, he said "a little." If I were getting a raise, even if it were nowhere near as big as the fellowship would have been, that would make up for the ding letter by more than "a little." Far more likely is...

Option #2: He's going to buy me a new computer. I really kind of need one - Baxter's a good little laptop and a trooper, but he can't really handle some of the software I need to use on a fairly regular basis unless I at least give him some more RAM, and he has a few issues sometimes with his battery - it's nearly worthless in terms of working without an AC adapter, and sometimes it loses contact with the adapter and he needs to be rebooted before he's drawing power again. Nothing I can't deal with, and let's face it, he's an old Compaq - he's done a really good job considering how crappy those can be. But Boss did make a comment last week about "we need to see what we can do about getting you a new computer," and BNL said something another day about how I should ask the boss to buy me one. And frankly, if Boss ever wants to send me to a conference or to give a talk for him, it really doesn't speak highly of him if his postdoc rolls up with her little Pentium III Compaq because she can't afford a better one. So I'm thinking this is likely my good news. It really would be very nice, because while I wouldn't get to keep it once I leave the group, it would literally be a big weight off of my shoulders to not have to haul my computer back and forth to work every single day. And I haven't had a brand-new computer since my second year of college, so it would be a nice change of pace. So yeah, I can get excited about that. But then there's always...

Option #3: Something I haven't thought of yet. At any rate, the last few days have been big ones for bad news, so I'll be happy to hear anything that qualifies as "good" news. I'll let you all know the verdict at the end of the day tomorrow after my weekly meeting with Boss. Until then, feel free to vote in the comments for whichever option you think will ultimately win (write-in votes for #3 are encouraged). You people never comment anymore - I'm starting to worry that nobody reads me at all these days.

UPDATE: Okay, so I now know what the good news is. But I'm not spilling yet because apparently the only person who cares is Mup. This is what happens when my friends get social lives and stuff. (huff)

UPDATE #2: Answer is in the comments.


MadMup said...

I vote for him announcing "Tim Hortons Fridays," where he'll be providing all sorts of yummy goodness from Tim Hortons free of charge.

But I guess a new computer'd be nice, too.

Wahooty said...

Actually, we already have that. The department has free donuts every Friday at 5. Plus, whoever presents our group meeting every week usually brings snacks of some sort, and for the guys, that means running across the street and buying a dozen donuts. :)

Anonymous said...

As you know the majority of my social life consists of getting hit, falling down hills and the occasional shopping trip. :)
My vote would be a computer and at least once a week being able to smack someone upside the head that deserves it.

MadMup said...

Hey! Post the news!!!

And I'm totally jealous that you get Tim Hortons whenever you want!

Wahooty said...

Okay, since the suspense appears to be killing Mup, it turns out the answer is....

(drum roll)

...Door #1. Boss has a grant coming in that will mean a $5,000/year raise. Not huge, but enough that I can stop fretting every time I go out to lunch. Also, he got a score back on the grant that I helped him revamp, and it was pretty good. Not good enough to know for sure they'll fund it, but good enough that at least there's a chance it will get funded. Should that one come through, I'll be getting another $5,000 bump, which will officially put me into a postdoc range rather than a grad student range, salary-wise. The best part about this is that both of these grants will allow me to keep working on the projects I came here to do - we were thinking that our best shot at getting money would require me switching over to another side project full-time, one that is really a biology project, not a chemistry one. While I think it's a neat project, it's not my area of expertise and thus I don't want to have to make it my primary focus. Oh, and having grant money means I can stay here "pretty much as long as you want." Not that I want to be a postdoc indefinitely, but I was honestly a little worried about being booted on my ass at the end of next April when my current contract will be up with about 4 months left on my lease and 7 on my cell phone contract. :) So all in all: a little financial stability + not having to drop my project and start from scratch + job security = a relieved Wahooty. In the grand scheme of things, it's not much, but it means a great deal to me right now.

Anonymous said...

Oh hell yeah! I think it's time for a celebration!

MadMup said...

Awesome!!! I'm happy for you!!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry I've been kind of MIA lately. I'm so happy for you! That is really terrific news!!