Monday, July 16, 2007

Pop Culture Confessional

Bless me reader, for I have sinned. Again.

Okay, so I am not at all proud of this, but I am watching Victoria Beckham: Coming to America right now. It's not my fault - I was just looking for something to have on for background noise while I clean up the kitchen before Age of Love (which, um, actually is kind of my fault. But I prefer to blame Entertainment Weekly.) And I'm even less proud to admit that I am rather enjoying it. Posh Spice has a surprisingly sharp, dry, and self-deprecating sense of humor, something I always find enjoyable, even though you know she's totally putting it on for the cameras. But you have to give props to someone who, upon being pulled over the first time she tries to drive in the States while surrounded by an army of paparazzi, can actually say, "I didn't know whether to pose...or get arrested. I was mortified...because I was wearing flat shoes." with a straight face. And then proceed to try to cheat on her driver's test and get her license photo retouched.

Some further observations and memorable quotes:

Only a group of "Beverly Hills Socialites" can make Victoria Beckham look like a natural, effortless beauty.

Posh, please stop trying to make "major" happen. That is so not fetch.

I have to admit, I do have some sympathy for a woman who can't surprise her husband with a gift because she is guaranteed to be photographed while out shopping for it. And even I have to give mad props when her solution to the problem is to buy a blowup doll to use as a decoy to divert the paparazzi...and it actually works. "It's actually pretty convincing...except for the fact that she's smiling."

Upon being asked to throw the first pitch at a Dodgers game: "I don't know that much about baseball...they wear tight member of the team actually wears a mask that looks a lot like what we saw in the sex shop."
"I really thought that one of my silicones was going to fly out my armpit then."

I still think Victoria is an utterly ridiculous human being, but at least she appears to be in on the joke a little bit. Although for all of her jokes about how she can't be photographed eating or smiling, I couldn't help but notice that there was very little of either caught on camera.

By the way, on Age of Love, one of the girls actually just said, "I don't deal well with boys that date other women." Um, you are aware that you signed up for a TV DATING SHOW. Oh, and one of the other girls is a "hockey team dancer." I swear I am not making this up.

As far as my other pop culture confessions go, I have to admit that a Telus commercial has me completely obsessed with a Ben Lee song, "We're All in This Together." It makes me inordinately happy every time it comes on. Telus has ridiculously charming commercials (always chock-full of adorable fluffy animals like bunnies and monkeys and even manages to make non-fluffy ones like fish and lizards irresistibly cute), but this one just gets to me for some reason. On an unrelated musical note, I am also thoroughly fixated on the song "Happy Ending" by Mika. It might just be the greatest gospel breakup song ever, and it kind of makes me wish I had just split up with someone so that I could properly wallow/exalt in it. It definitely makes me wish I had an a cappella group because DAMN would that arrangement be awesome. Plus, I seem to have the exact same range as him, so naturally, I'd get the solo. For those of you who haven't heard it, I actually highly enjoy the whole album - it's kind of a "What if Freddie Mercury were still alive and Queen wrote a Broadway musical?" thing. LOVE IT.

Okay, getting all of that off of my chest feels really good. I'm ready for my penance now.


Anonymous said...

Ahoy there! I am not much of a blog reader but stumbled upon yours while trying to find my sister-in-laws family blog. (boring) I instantly was captivated by one of your eye-catching headlines and have since been reading as often as you post. (You are a saved favorite!) I find your writing sharp, quick, witty and insightful. Something to look forward to at the end of the day--like being fed a novel, a chapter at a time. Thanks and keep it coming!! BTW--I looked up "Happy Ending" on iTunes and immediately downloaded it...great song, & right on w/ the description! Must admit though, did feel a bit like a stalker after that one.

emily said...

Is it weird that after reading the above "stalker" comment, I was immediately overjoyed and said "yay! Beth has a blog stalker!"?

And you actually made me want to watch the Victoria Beckham show.