Thursday, July 19, 2007

I fought the law and the law won.

WWSINS? (What Would Sir Isaac Newton Say?)

I believe it would go something like this: "Mmmm...applesauce...ahem. Gravity is clearly out to get that poor girl."

Someone is trying to tell me that today just isn't my day.

I just fell down the stairs behind my building. Okay, not completely - I only bounced down about 3 or 4 steps before I stopped. Gravity may have it in for me, but at least on concrete, friction and I are still homies. But bouncing down concrete steps head first is more than a little bit scary, and I fell near the top, so it could easily have been...well...not good. I managed to bounce on my forearm, wrist, and most of my right leg - should make for some good sympathy bruises, but nothing major, since I managed to land exclusively on the fleshy parts. My ego even escaped pretty much unscathed, since barring any observers near the windows above the alley, I wasn't seen until I was back on my feet. But lately I've noticed I'm developing a phobia of falling down stairs - I sometimes have flashes in the middle of descending a big staircase where I actually see myself falling and bashing my head open, or at least knocking out my teeth. This is so not helping.

For those of you keeping track, these are the current standings for the 2007 season:
Staircases: 2
Wahooty: 0


Anonymous said...

I know you didn't want me to do this but, 'I now declare war on staircases!'
Hug* I hope you're alright.

emily said...

Oh geez! I share your fear of falling down staircases, actually. Especially when Josh is out of town and I'm going down the basement stairs, I'm terrified of falling down and not being discovered for days. I'm glad that the staircase did not win the day in your case! Poor Bethy. The (not actually a) Doctor prescribes one bottle of white wine. For the swelling. And the ego.