Saturday, July 07, 2007

I am a horrible, horrible person.

Okay, so I'm watching this show called "The Last 10 Pounds Boot Camp" while I'm getting ready to go out. And the girls are sisters wanting to be in bikini shape for their upcoming vacation to Mexico. They're talking about how stubborn those last 10 lbs. are while tipping back shots of IRISH CREAM.

And I'm looking at them and thinking, "Just 10? Really?"

I'm the last person to be questioning anyone's weight loss goals - it's an intensely personal thing. And I certainly know from my own experience the value of setting modest, achievable goals. If this show were just called "Boot Camp" I'd think this was a perfectly admirable goal.

But it ain't gonna make this girl pull off a bikini.

If that's your goal honey, those 10 lbs. really need to not be the last.

1 comment:

emily said...

Dude, I've been making Josh watch Shaq's Big Challenge every Tuesday since week 2. Oh, I am a horrible person! I poke fun at tubby little children and a sports superstar. All whilst I sit on the couch and eat cheetoes. Mmm...cheetoes...