Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Days of Whine and Roses

Look, I know I said I would be done whining by now but...well...I'm not. It's been a bad day as far as my overall outlook on life is concerned and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, so pardon me while I get some of the little, insignificant crap out of my system:

1. Um, hi, eHarmony? Why exactly do you have me set an age range for my matches if you're just going to match me with someone 2 years outside of that range? I wasn't even entirely comfortable with the age range you recommended for me, but was willing to see how it went - why you gotta try to push me?

2. Um, hi, weather? I really appreciate you warming up and all, but an already busted tailbone + black ice = a far greater quantity of suck than one person should really have to deal with just to buy some milk and a box of KD. Frankly, winter in general? I'm done with you. I'm itching to go out and do springlike things, but you just won't let me yet.

3. Um, hi, tailbone? You can really start healing any time now. I'm trying to do my part by not taking any painkillers that would encourage me to do further damage to you, but you're making it very difficult to get any work done without them. C' me halfway.

4. There is no #4.

5. Um, hi, CHM 139 administrative crap? Let's just say my bruises aren't the only pain in my ass right now.

6. Um, hi, whatever car company it is that is using "Hail to the Chief" in your ads? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, President's Day is over. MAKE IT STOP. I mean, come on...there's gotta be something in the Patriot Act about that shit.

Okay, I think that's it for the things that I can safely whine about here. My horoscope today said:

Normally, you are attracted to experiences that enrich your life. However, now you are more likely to act impulsively on your desires. This can create a complex situation that requires you to work out the details of an unfolding relationship. Stay aware of what other people need, but also be sure to pay attention to your own physical and mental health.

I don't know if eating an entire box of KD for dinner counts as "acting impulsively on my desires," and I certainly don't know how that could have complicated an unfolding relationship (do I even have any relationships unfolding right now?), but the part about physical and mental health is hitting pretty close to home today. I hope this isn't indicative of another span of my horoscopes being accurate - they always freak me out when they do that.

Okay, speaking of impulsively acting on desires, I'm off to make some cocoa.


Anonymous said...

Got an idea on the mental overwhelming feeling. 1. 2hrs at the spa.(good for the physical as well) 2. At the end of a lecture, let them all know you'll have a suprise 2hr quiz next class and watch their faces drop. Then next class, don't even mention the quiz.
3.Hear how someone went on a walk today, slipped on the sidewalk, said some interesting verbs, nouns and adjectives only to look up and be greeted by 2 elderly ladies and a minister.

Wahooty said...

1. Dude, a fabulous idea, except spas cost money.
2. Aw...I can't do that to them...especially since they'll be getting test grades back any day now...
3. Okay, please tell me "someone" wasn't hurt so that I don't feel bad about laughing, because as long as there were no injuries, that's really freaking funny. :)