Sunday, February 18, 2007

You know what sucks?

Trying to put sheets on your bed with an injured back. So far, it's taken me 10 minutes to make the bed, and I've only gotten through the fitted sheet and pillowcases. Am I the most pathetic thing ever, or what? Anyway, for those of you trying to keep up, I think I'm through the worst of it. My tailbone is feeling a tiny bit better, and while the knots in my back and shoulders didn't really show themselves until today, they're usually worst on the second day after the damage is done, so it should only get better from here on out. I've got a really long day ahead of me tomorrow, but after that, I should be ready to quit whining and begging for sympathy. :) Thank you for your attention - soon we will resume our regularly scheduled programming of whining and begging for sympathy for my idiotic neuroses rather than my idiotic injuries. :)

1 comment:

MadMup said...

Dude, don't hurt yourself - that is majorly uncool.

Hope you get to feeling better soon!