Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's the little rings that count.

File this under things that make me happy: While standing in line at H&M, there's a guy whose wife/girlfriend/significant other/babymama has left him in charge of watching their child in the stroller (one of those hardcore, all-terrain strollers with the big wheels with big fat treads on the tires) while she pays for her purchases. Guy gets a phone call. Guy's ringtone is..."Let's Get it On" by none other than Marvin Gaye. Now, it's not every guy that can pull off Marvin Gaye with a stroller, but this guy totally did. And while I was in his vicinity, he got, like, 3 phone calls. Guy is infinitely more cool than I will ever be. And it got me thinking, what does your ringtone say about you? Mine is currently "Beautiful" by G. Love and Special Sauce, but my phone rarely rings, so it's kind of a moot point. My old phone had "Baby's Got Sauce," also by G. Love, but I had to get a new phone when I moved and my current provider doesn't offer that particular title (a very sad day in my world). So I pose the question to you, my readers: what is your ringtone at the moment?

Other things that made me happy today:

- The exceedingly random selection of forgotten 80's hits that followed me around the mall.

- Sunshine. It was still ass cold, but the days are definitely feeling longer now, and the sun does a body good.

- The ADORABLE sundress I tried on at H&M. I didn't buy it, because I have not yet decided what color I want. I shouldn't buy it, because I don't have much use for dresses. But the problem is, now that I've lost the weight I gained in the last couple of years of grad school, I have found it is impossible to find pants that fit. It is, however, much easier to find dresses that fit. So, I should be buying dresses, not pants. So the only question is, where do I find someone who will take me to the places where it's appropriate to wear the dresses? They're not fancy...just not something I'm going to wear for a day of lab work. Dave, if only you were here to take me swing dancing, all of my problems would be solved.

- I had dream about one of my crushes last night. Yes, I said "one of" - if you haven't figured it out by now, I am a total crush whore. Here's the weird part - in the dream, I was fully aware that there were four "chapters" to the dream. I came in at the start of chapter 2 (somehow I missed chapter 1, like when I come home from work late and miss the beginning of one of my TV shows...I think I may have slept through part of my own dream), and continued through chapter 3, but woke up right before chapter 4, aka the Good Stuff, started. What gives??? I mean, it's bad enough that I'm not getting any action in real life, but when I don't even get any IN MY DREAMS, that's just pathetic. I can't shake the feeling I had in the dream, though. It's making me see that person in a WHOLE different light, which is funny, since that light only exists in my subconscious.

- Vegas, baby. Vegas.


Anonymous said...

My current ringtone is...wait for it...wait for it...eye of the tiger...You couldn't have guessed that in a million years! :) Although, I also have "Candyman" by Christina Aguilera waiting in the wings...

Anonymous said...

Up until 2 weeks ago my ringtone was the Muppets theme song, then it rang during a meeting with the bigwigs. Now it's on vibrate. :(

Dave said...

My ringtone is Soul Bossa Nova (the austin powers theme).

And I will DEFINITELY take you dancing when I visit (notice I said "When")

Love ya!

Wahooty said...

#1 - Of course it is. I think I knew that, but had forgotten. :)

Ian - Honestly, I find that surprising, but it does explain why we get along...

Dave -'s nice to know that while my college years are well behind me, some things don't change. I still remember getting drunk in your suite in Dillard - when Elizabeth Hurley said, "I haven't had this much fun since college!" you looked at me and said, "See? We're SUPPOSED to be doing this!" Cheers! Oh, and YEAH you will - I don't know that I'd trust anyone else to flip me. ;)