Monday, May 14, 2007

In case you were wondering...

...It DID fit her like a sausage casing.
Since some of you spent the better part of last week asking, nay, DEMANDING to see pictures from this formal, here's what I looked like:

Unfortunately, the pretty parts of my dress are the back and bottom, and I don't know if anyone actually managed to take a full-length shot of me. At any rate, I have been assured that more pictures will be headed my way a little later in the week, so those fit for public consumption may make it up here temporarily. That's my date on the right - one of my non-Chemistry labmates, and now quite proficient in The Box. If he can make it work (he even got so advanced as to open the box, take out a smaller one, and proceed without ever missing a beat - don't try that one at home), anyone can. Despite the disappointing assortment of music, a truly good time was had by all. I managed to drink red wine all night (while dancing) without spilling any on my flesh-toned dress - If that doesn't spell success, I don't know what does.

Oh, and by the way, if you didn't recognize the title of my previous post, it's a song by N.E.R.D. Track it down and give it a listen - I am seriously contemplating making it my new theme song. Not to the exclusion of Sexy M.F. necessarily, but it has definitely earned a prime spot on my soundtrack. And that's the Original Life Soundtrack, not the lame-ass Music From and Inspired by the Life Album.


Anonymous said...

You look absolutely stunning as per usual. Congratulations on keeping the wine in the glass.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful! I am glad you posted photos... I would have demanded more vehemently if you hadn't... ;)