Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Missed Commutercation

First of all, if you were dying to comment on my "Irresistible Bitch" entry below, the comments have now been enabled. Not sure how they got disabled in the first place, but it's been fixed. I would hate for you lovely people to think I didn't want your feedback. ;)

That being said, on to today's entry:

This morning I was enjoying my morning commute - weather warm enough to not wear a jacket, rereading the book from which this blog takes its name, wearing a new shirt and no socks (I am, deep down, a barefoot redneck, and I hate that my lab is kept too cold to wear sandals in the summer - any time my tootsies can get a little fresh air is a Red Letter Day, even if it is just my heels peeking out from my mules). On the last leg of my trip, I change to the yellow train to travel the last couple of stops to work as I always do, and I notice a rather attractive man on the car. He's about my age, dressed casually but quite well, just scruffy enough that I feel confident that he's not gay...just a generally very appealing fellow. Approximately the same type as the VGLM, actually. Feeling good and confident in my new-shirted/sockless high, I stand near him, hoping to make a little harmless, flirtatious eye contact before we get to Queen's Park.

Unfortunately, he had his earbuds in and never once lifted his eyes from his paper.


I remain convinced that the iPod is the single worst thing that's ever happened to random flirtation on public transit.

And it's times like these that I really wish I were the kind of girl with the balls to slip a random hot guy my number as I walk off the train. That would have been badass.


Dave said...

OK two things.
#1 Just because one is scruffy does not mean one is not gay. Personally I'm rather frumpy today having not shaved or trimmed my goatee (yes I have a goatee now) in about a week.

#2 I agree that iPods prevent online flirtage, however at the same time, they do operate as suitable blockers to sketchy drunk people and/or bible beaters from striking up a conversation on the train.

#3 I actually have HAD a balzy guy give my his number on the train. Someone who takes his balls out of his purse and does something like that definitely deserves a phone call. We never went on a date, as the phone conversation sucked on both ends, I'm sure, but he did at least get a call. DO IT NEXT TIME!!!

#4 There is no #4.

#5 You need to do what I do. Buy some body spray of some sort and bring flip-flops. Spray down the feet and put on the flip flops at the end of the day, and tuck the real shoes into a briefcase/bag. (The body spray is out of courtesy to others on the train and for the potential encouters with VGLM's)

Just my advice!

Dave said...

OK, that wasn't just two things, but whatever. I can't count

Wahooty said...

1) Hey, give me some credit for having a halfway decent gaydar - you played a big role in tuning it years ago, if you remember. If this guy was gay, we're talking stealth bomber gay.

42) I find not even earphones can deter most of the crazies. And believe me, I've tried.

37) I just don't think quickly enough - the thought didn't occur to me until I was about 1 1/2 stops along on my journey of 2 stops, and there's no way I could have found a pen and paper quickly and subtly enough to pull it off. Maybe next time. And maybe I'll start making sure I always have a pen and paper in my purse.

15) I'll think about it. I'm already planning on bringing flip-flops or something with me tomorrow, because I have a feeling my new (completely adorable) shoes won't quite get me through the day.

-126) I see nothing wrong with your counting.

Dave said...

pi) Regarding the pen and paper, I neglected to add that he asked ME if I had a pen, and then returned said pen with his business card attached and his cell phone number.

Which reminds me, I need to order business cards.

Wahooty said... why i need business cards:

Booty Beth
Whole Lotta Woman